In order to write, you must constantly refuel your brain with creative ideas. This can come in many forms and is different for everyone.
Lots of things inspire me, from songs to movies. I have found that sitting at home with my computer is not the most effective method for me to get words down. The most effective thing for me to do is live my life and fit in the words around it.
That is why, I spent today away from the computer and my hometown. My dad, sister, and I took a day trip up to Charlotte for the Carolina Renaissance Festival. If you have never been to a Renaissance Festival, I would say you are missing out. It is a fun day of shows, shoppping, and eating. (If you're interested in finding a faire near you, then visit Renaissance Faires by State and look up your state.)
This was my dad's first experience attending a Renaissance faire. He had quite a few laughs and seemed to enjoy himself a lot. We took in several of our favorite shows, including the Tortuga Twins and the joust. We looked around the shops, but did not find much to buy. (Granted, this was our third time attending this year - I think we had already bought what we were going to buy for the year.) This is the last time we'll be going until spring when time rolls around for the Georgia Renaissance Festival.

Now, what does all of this have to do with writing? I'm going to keep that answer short and simple since I have already taken up much of your time. The faire gave me all sorts of inspiration, in the form of shows, clothing, music, and much more. It's a total experience (especially when you dress up yourself) that is quite inspiring.
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