Monday, November 2, 2009

NaNoWriMo: How's it going?

Yesterday kicked off a huge writing event: NaNoWriMo. I must warn you that you are going to hear a lot about it this month because I am amongt the thousands of participants. I am using the month to further my endeavors on a piece that I've been working at for years. I'm hoping to make it to the end of this novel soon.

I wrote 4,105 words within the first day (it shows slightly differently on the NaNo website because some of it was written after midnight). I was pretty happy with that progress, as it was double my 2000 word goal of the day.

On another note, this weekend also brought us a time change. The clocks were set back an hour. This didn't seem like a big deal until today. I'm not so sure that I'm happy with the light in the morning when I leave for work and the dark in the evening when I return home. It seems so reversed and a bit depressing. Oh well, that's life.

I'm done blabbing for can return to your regularly scheduled life now.

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