Monday, November 30, 2009

Historical Fiction Challenge

I'm taking up a reading challenge for 2010! It's the Historical Fiction Challenge hosted by Royal Reviews. I'm starting off small - only committing to reading 3 Historical Fiction novels over the course of the year.

Challenge Guidelines:
1. Anyone can join. You don't need a blog to participate.
2. There are four levels:
-- Curious – Read 3 Historical Fiction novels.
-- Fascinated – Read 6 Historical Fiction novels.
-- Addicted – Read 12 Historical Fiction novels.
-- Obsessed – Read 20 Historical Fiction novels.
3. Any book format counts.
4. You can list your books in advance or just put them in a wrap up post. If you list them, feel free to change them as the mood takes you.
5. Challenge begins January 1st thru December, 2010. Only books started on January 1st count towards this challenge.
Recommend your favorites to me now!

New Theme Announcement!!

December is upon us. It will be here tomorrow. And that means a new theme for the blog. I am sure many of you have already guessed what my theme is going to be. Let's see if you're right.

My theme for December is Happy Holidays! Most of it will focus on Christmas, because that is the holiday that I celebrate. I do hope to include other holidays as well.

Each day, I will feature a new holiday song*. It will be added to a playlist. By the end of the month, I should have a playlist with 31 holiday songs for your enjoyment.

I hope you'll join me in all the fun this next month has to offer!

Contest Alert at Two to Write!!

*If you have a favorite song, feel free to mention it to me! I might feature it with my favorites.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Short Post

So, this is a short update.

First, I finally got a holiday background! Yay.

Second, I will be announcing my December theme tomorrow night.

Third, I will be announcing something awesome for Two to Write tomorrow too.

Well, that's it. This truly is a short one, huh?

Thursday, November 26, 2009

The Thankful Post

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone in America!

I have thought a bit about how I wanted to post for Thanksgiving. I have many mixed feelings surrounding Thanksgiving, due to the stories of our past. However, I have decided to settle on the most positive aspect of it: being thankful.

That being said, I present you with my thankful list.

1. I am thankful to have a wonderful sister, who happens to double as an awesome best friend. I wouldn't trade her for anything.

2. I am thankful to have a mother who is also a friend. I can turn to her for anything.

3. I am thankful to have a father who will always stand by me no matter what. He also has an awesome shoulder to cry on.

4. I am thankful to have a beautiful, well-behaved dog. She brightens each day for me.

5. I am thankful to have finally found a best friend after years of searching. We have even managed to stay in touch after she moved. Thanks Natalie!

6. I am thankful to the friends I have made on livejournal in the past year. There are too many to name them all, but know that you are loved!

7. I am thankful to the girls at the Enchanted Storytellers. They have kept me sane and happy. I am so excited for some of the things we have planned.

8. I am thankful to have written 100 posts on my blog in the past few months. I never thought I would see it through to this point.

9. I am thankful to see that people actually read (and enjoy) our fiction over at Two to Write.

10. I am thankful to have a job, even if it's not an actual teaching job.

11. I am thankful to be alive.

12. I am thankful to have a sister who also writes. Together, I think we can accomplish great things.

13. I am thankful to all of the people who follow my blog.

And with that (an award just for you)....

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

New Season, New Things

This is going to be short. I'm currently sitting in Barnes and Noble with Crystal. I am supposed to be writing - on one of several projects. I think that NaNo and I are not compatible. That is okay. I will still continue to write and the world will not perish.

Winter and Christmas are coming! I am super excited. I spent a little bit of time updating my livejournal (Just a Bit of Me...) for winter. I think it turned out great!

I also plan to update this blog soon to make it more festive. I am hoping that Shabby Blogs comes out with some winter themed ones to make it easier on me. Their backgrounds are cute and enjoyable.

Keep an eye out in the coming days for two announcements. One will be the announcement of December's theme for the blog. The other announcement will be for a Two to Write contest.

In case I don't blog tomorrow, Happy Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Too Many Ideas!

My head is swarming with ideas. When I need to focus on one thing the most (NaNoWriMo), that is when I get crazy amounts of ideas.

While driving in the car on my way home, I had not one but two ideas attack me. They came out of nowhere and one is quite unlike the typical things that attack me. I may fiddle around with them a bit over the upcoming break and see whether or not I want to continue further with them.

If NaNoWriMo has taught me anything this year, it has taught me that I work best when I have several projects underway at once. I hit almost 25k with NaNo and fell straight into a brick wall. Now, I am biding my time working on other projects as I try to climb over the wall that is blocking my creativity on the project I chose to pursue for NaNoWriMo. The wall will crumble - in time. It always does. Until then, I can only hope that I make it to 50k in the last week of NaNo.

Before I let you go, I have one question for you. How do you prefer this blog? Do you like the random posts that have been happening this month or did you like it better when it was run on a schedule? Let me know in the comments!!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Lots to do....this will be short

Sadly, this blog is going to be short. I have a lot I want to get accomplished tonight and little time to do it in.

Last night at 1 A.M., Crystal and I went to see New Moon. It was much better than I had expected. We had lots of fun and even dressed the part (just for fun...we really are not crazed fans or anything).

I had class Friday night and Saturday, so my brain is still pretty worn from it. It was my Race, Class, & Gender course. I will have to share some of my opinions someday with the blogging world. I have learned a lot that I would love to share - when I find the time.

Right now, I am going to go edit the next chapter for Two to Write and then do some other writing after that. I am taking a break on NaNoWriMo for tonight. Unless I get creative that is.

Friday, November 20, 2009


Working on my NaNoWriMo novel (almost halfway to 50k!) and catching up on sleep.

Will return tomorrow.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Dropping By

I'm just dropping by the blog during a short break in homework. I have to say that I have been feeling quite productive. I had 5 articles to read for tomorrow and four of them have been read and highlighted.

Now, I'm off to write the 2-3 page paper that is due tomorrow. The last article I will read tomorrow before class.

I am not so sure how I feel about going to class from 5-8pm on a Friday night and then 9am-2pm on a Saturday. At least I am getting stuff accomplished tonight though.

The upside? Crystal and I will be spending a few hours Friday night writing at Barnes & Noble. Hopefully I can catch up over the break and maybe even win NaNo!!

I am also hoping that we can get some stuff accomplished for Two to Write. There are several things in the works, including a massive contest and new works!! I'm excited.

I am also excited because Vampire Diaries is having a ten episode marathon week starting on December 14th. Exciting!!

Okay, now I really need to go work so I will blog at you guys later! Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Busy Much?

Sadly, the blog posts are going to be very brief and short for tonight and Friday. I have a lot to do tonight for tomorrow evening's class. I also want to get some reading and possibly a few more pages of Shiver read tonight.

Then, Friday night I have class, as well as Saturday morning. This is a one time thing. Hopefully, it's pretty interesting.

Currently, I'm at Barnes & Noble attempting to get some nanoing in. I am going to leave this one short and get back to the wonderful tale of Wendel and his adventures in Aurum.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

No Post, But Bonus Picture!

No blog post today. A play I attended with Crystal put my night very late, so I do not have time to write one. (You did get a lengthy one yesterday though.)

As a bonus and to tie you over - a picture from my youth that seemed fitting following yesterday's post:

Monday, November 16, 2009


I thought I would share a little bit with you about my writing. Some of you may know this already, while others will be discovering it for the first time. Needless to say, I thought I'd share.

I started writing sometime when I was younger. I am not entirely sure when I first put pen to paper, but I know that I was creating storylines long before that. I had some help with these storylines, in the form of a wonderful sister and close to one hundred Barbie dolls. They made the best characters for a little girl. (Though, I must admit, the storylines were heavy with females as men were limited.)

Somewhere in there, I started putting pen to paper and actually writing down stories. They were varied and often times in disarray, but they were writing none the less. Through all of this, I continued to play with our Barbies, creating stories as I went.

Slowly, I progressed to trying different forms of writing, including adding poetry and stream of conciousness to my repetoire. The latter, I learned sophomore year of high school in a creative writing course. Journal writing always lingered in the background, but was never a consistent endeavor for me.

It was my senior year of high school when I first started working on what I would call a serious piece of fiction. It was my first real attempt at writing a story with my sister and it was the attempt that would form memorable characters (beyond the Barbie ones) for us.

It was the attempt at starting a novel known as Enchantment together. Now, I will discuss this novel in more detail at a later date. It is greatly attached to my current NaNo project. But, the story of this novel is not necessary to the story of my writing.

We wrote upwards of one hundred pages together in various notebooks and in various documents. We slowly abandoned the actual writing, but we never abandoned our characters from that novel. We would often talk about them and continue to form them as characters.

A couple years later, we managed to get it all typed up and printed out. The goal was to reread the current progress and continue on. We found the beginning of the manuscript to be much too trite to continue with. So, we placed it in the hold pile with the intent of finishing later. By this point, the characters and concepts for this one novel had grown into a series worth of books.

We established that we wanted to attempt a single, stand alone novel before we pursued a series. So, we set out to form this novel in our heads. We established a framework of werewolves and shaped the rest of the story during a very interesting, redirected trip to a Renaissance Festival (again, more on that later - though you can find that back story on my LJ account somewhere). We set out this past summer to write the novel. Within two months, it was finished.

From there, much more has come to pass, including several more projects and a website where we feature some of our fiction for free (Two to Write). The werewolf novel we finished this summer is currently being edited and we hope to start querying in the new year.

So, I am not entirely sure why I chose today to share this story. There is no significance in the date or anything. I just felt that it was time to share a bit about my writing and me with some of the new followers (Thanks for following!) that I have gained in the past couple of weeks. I would love it if you would continue to spread the word about my blog and Two to Write!! Keep an eye out for great things from both in the month of December.

As for me, I am off to do some writing. I bid you Adieu.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

NaNoWriMo - Halfway!

I'm going to keep this short as I am writing from Barnes & Noble and my battery is just about to die.

NaNoWriMo Tip of the Day: Set a daily word count goal and write past it. If you exceed your own goal everyday, then you are doing great in my book!

Daily Observation: 70+ degrees is much to warm for November.

Happy Dance Moment: I have officially exceeded what I wrote for the entire month of November last year. My total count last year was 17k. I am currently a little over 20k. How's that for progress?

As I have exceeded another goal on my reward chart, I am going to reward myself by buying a book. Great thing that I'm at Barnes & Noble, huh?

I'm over and out. Look for more writing bits this week, as well as some movie and music discussion. I will also be unveiling my December theme within the next two weeks and you will not want to miss out on that!!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Pirate Weekend & NaNoWriMo

I've heard people say that they devote November entirely to writing. I can not see how that is healthy (for the person or their writing).

In order to write, you must constantly refuel your brain with creative ideas. This can come in many forms and is different for everyone.

Lots of things inspire me, from songs to movies. I have found that sitting at home with my computer is not the most effective method for me to get words down. The most effective thing for me to do is live my life and fit in the words around it.

That is why, I spent today away from the computer and my hometown. My dad, sister, and I took a day trip up to Charlotte for the Carolina Renaissance Festival. If you have never been to a Renaissance Festival, I would say you are missing out. It is a fun day of shows, shoppping, and eating. (If you're interested in finding a faire near you, then visit Renaissance Faires by State and look up your state.)

This was my dad's first experience attending a Renaissance faire. He had quite a few laughs and seemed to enjoy himself a lot. We took in several of our favorite shows, including the Tortuga Twins and the joust. We looked around the shops, but did not find much to buy. (Granted, this was our third time attending this year - I think we had already bought what we were going to buy for the year.) This is the last time we'll be going until spring when time rolls around for the Georgia Renaissance Festival.

Now, what does all of this have to do with writing? I'm going to keep that answer short and simple since I have already taken up much of your time. The faire gave me all sorts of inspiration, in the form of shows, clothing, music, and much more. It's a total experience (especially when you dress up yourself) that is quite inspiring.

Friday, November 13, 2009

NaNoWriMo: Productive Methods of Avoidance

I have found that I have several ways of being productive AND avoiding writing. Unfortunately, no matter how much I love writing, I do find that other things tempt me into the abyss of avoidance from time to time.

The five most productive things* to do when you're avoiding your novel:

1. Make a playlist - Music plays a big part in our lives. A lot of people spend their mornings and evenings in the car with the radio for company. So, it is no wonder that music plays a big part into our creativity. We hear it often and it evokes emotions. So, I recommend making a playlist ( or a personalized radio station ( for your novel. You may find some new inspiration.

2. Take a bath/shower - I find that getting myself clean provides two forms of productivity. The first is the necessity of hygience. Taking a shower is a necessary part of life, so why not get it out of the way when you're avoiding your novel. THe second form of productivity is giving you time to brainstorm. I have found no better place than the shower to do some brainstorming.

3. Read - As Michael Chabon said, "Every novel is a sequel. Influence is bliss." Therefore, it stands to reason that reading is an excellent form of inspiration. Just make sure you're writing your story when to get back to your novel.

4. Clean - This is yet another necessary part of life. However, it does offer you a lot of time doing a mindless activity. Turn it into a mindful activity by using this time to brainstorm. Carry some post-its in your pocket and jot down your ideas as you go. The ML for my area, Becka, gave us the excellent idea of using post-its to jot down bits that come to us. They are small, compact, and can fit over 100 words if you write small. The uses for post-its are endless.

5. Go somewhere - This will serve duo purpose. Getting out will give you the opportunity to think on your drive. It will also give you the opportunity to get around people, which are the largest inspiration for our novels. Grab a drink, take a seat, and watch the mannerisms of those around you. Who knows - you might find a new character for your novel!

Now, go get back to what you were doing. The hours are limited and your imagination is endless.

*This is simply a personal list. I do not claim to be an expert, though I have avoided writing a lot and found new ideas along the way.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

NaNoWriMo: Day 12

Day 12 of NaNoWriMo. I should be at 20,000 words today. I am at 15,799.

Am I worried? Am I stressed? Not at all.

The way I figure it, there are two ways of looking at NaNoWriMo. The first way is to look at is as a challenge to write 50,000 words. The only way you complete this challenge and accomplish anything is by writing those 50,000 words. Failing is not an option in this view.

The second view is looking at it as a chance to get ahead on your writing. The goal is 50,000 words, but if you do not reach this goal, it is okay. You will still have more words than you started with.

I choose to favor the second view. The way I see it, there is nothing that can be lost by doing NaNoWriMo. There is only much to be gained in the way of words written. Ultimately, you will have more words at the end of November than you did at the beginning - even if it's only 5 more words than you had before.

Following this second model, I wanted to offer a piece of advice to anyone who has only just discovered NaNoWriMo. I say go for it. You may be starting twelve days behind, but you still have many words to gain!

Now, back to your regularly scheduled writing time...

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Happy Veteran's Day!!

I thought I would take a moment to thank the many service men and women out there serving along with the veterans who have previously served in the service.

The military has always played a strong part in my life. I grew up on an Air Force base as a military brat. My father served over 20 years in the U.S. Air Force. He was stationed in Charleston for all of those years. I was born and raised here - much of that time on the local air base.

I have seen and heard many things as a military brat. I have seen different levels of security take effect as our country was under attack in 2001. I have known several men to go overseas to serve in our country's time of need. I could list ways the military has affected me for a while, but I want to keep this brief so that you can enjoy your Veteran's Day.

I have also known the joy of being close to my family. When your friends are changing each year because your school is highly comprised of military families, you start to grow closer to your family. With time, you learn to bond and become really close to your immediate family. They are the only ones that have been there for me through thick and thin each and every moment of the way on my road of life.

As a daughter of a veteran, I feel it is only right to take this day to honor him. I would like to tell my father that I love him and appreciate all that he does for my sister and me. Thank you daddy.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Happy Birthday Sesame Street!!

Image from: Wikia

I wanted to take a break from NaNoWriMo and all things writing to wish a happy birthday to a very special show.

Last week, I noticed that Google's picture was changing daily. Each day it featured a different member of the Sesame Street crew. This excited me because I grew up watching Sesame Street. I have to admit that they taught me a lot.

I was even more excited to learn that they were celebrating forty years. That's right! It's forty years for one of television's most beloved children's show.

If you have never watched an episode of Sesame Street and smiled with Big Bird, Elmo, or the rest of the crew, I strongly suggest that you do so. They were among my favorite as a child.

Let's take a moment and share our favorite Sesame Street memories. My favorite memory is of me carrying a small big bird wearing a blue t-shirt around with me everywhere. When I first started watching Sesame Street, I was too young to pronounce big bird, so this little fellow was affectionally nicknamed Giggi (pronounced with hard g's). What's your favorite memory? Share in the comments! I would love to hear them.

I've taken a moment to celebrate. Now, it's back to NaNoWriMo and trying to get up to where I should be. Happy writing and celebrating!

Monday, November 9, 2009

NaNoWriMo: Sprinting

A word on sprinting.

As a writer, I have found sprinting to be a big help in getting words out.

What is a sprint? A sprint is a designated period of time called by a mod or host. The mod/host keeps track of time in a chat room where everyone gathers. When time is called for the sprint to begin, everyone hushes and starts writing. When time is called that the sprint is over, the writing stops and you get a break to chit chat. Other common terms are dashes, prances, and wars.

So why do I like sprints? Because I can get quite the word count in a given sprint. They are also a great opportunity to meet people. If you're interested in participating in formal NaNo sprinting, then you can check out the livejournal community that I help mod:

On another note though, I discovered new method of sprinting that was quite productive for me last night! I was watching a two hour movie on ABC Family with my sister. About a half hour into it, I suggested that we grab our laptops and sprint during the commercials. I never expected it to be so productive though. I managed to get 2000 words written during the commercials of the movie. It was awesome.

So, if you're participating in NaNo and looking for new ways to boost your word count, I have just offered you two new suggestions. Give them a try! Something tells me that neither one is going to hinder your word count.

As for me? I'm off to sprint and write some until Gossip Girl comes on tonight!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

A Post about Writing

It's NaNoWriMo. But, I'm not going to write about that today.

Instead, I'm going to write about something else. First, I'm going to apologize for no entry yesterday. I took a leave of absence from the internet without intending to. It was sort of nice. I spent the day enjoying time with my family - very rejuvenating.

Today, I'm working on my wriitng. But, unlike many, I'm not working on getting closer to the 50k of NaNo. I'm working on a synopsis for the novel my sister and I wrote this past summer. It has been a two hour process so far to work on it. And we're still not done.

This is the point where I should say that I like writing things a lot more than I like editing them. I always have. But, I am learning how to like both. It truly does help to have a sister going through it with me.

NaNoWriMo can wait. It's not that important to my writing that I write 50k on one work this month. Editing the novel we wrote and writing its synopsis is much more important to me at this moment.

So, I encourage you to go out and do what's best for your writing right now. That may be editing, writing, or taking a break. Whatever it is, set your mind to it and do it. Do not let a word count trip you up.

Friday, November 6, 2009

NaNoWriMo - Day 6

It's day 6 of NaNo. How far am I behind the day's target? 3,000 words

How far behind was I before I attended tonight's write-in? 5,000 words

So, essentially the write-in helped a bunch.

Here's some numbers:

~ 12 people in attendance
~ 10 with laptops
~ 2 with pens and notebooks
~ 2 Two to Write pens left places
~ 5 skirts from Wal-Mart for $1 each (oops....that shouldn't have made it in the number list)
~ around 2000 words wrote
~ 1 cup of hot chocolate

I'll talk (er...type) to ya'll tomorrow! Tonight, I've got some stuff to do. =)

Thursday, November 5, 2009

NaNoWriMo: Day 5 & A Weekend of Editing

Word count? I'm not so sure I want to answer that question. Mine's not going so hot at the moment. I didn't get a chance to write on Tuesday or Wednesday night. And it's looking like I'm going to be opting for bed over writing tonight. A tired writer is not an effective writer. That much I have learned.

Editing? During NaNoWriMo? Are you crazy? That's what I've been asking myself today. Last night, Crystal and I discussed things and we're going to be spending this weekend as an editing weekend. We're both doing NaNo and should ultimately be spending our time writing if we plan to reach the 50k. But suffice to say, writing is not about cranking out words for us. It's about taking our time to create something we're proud of and getting it noticed by the world.

So, why an editing weekend? What will you be editing? In the summer of 2009 (this past summer), Crystal and I finished our first co-authored novel together. It was quite an exciting adventure with many stories attached. Stories that need to be shared here sometime soon. We agreed to let it sit and edit it in the fall. Needless to say, editing has been going slow this fall because of work, class, and Two to Write. We do, however, have a reason to edit ASAP.

Yesterday evening, I read my blogroll and caught up on some of the happenings around Blogger. One such happening is a contest judged by a young adult agent. She will be reading synopsis and the first five pages of your manuscript. There will be one winner chosen. This is a great opportunity to get our name out there! So, we're editing our novel like there's a deadline coming up. It's a whole month earlier than we had reset the date to, but that doesn't matter. This is important.

Besides, I've got my doubts about this whole NaNoWriMo thing working for me anyways. It's fun, but I'm not sure that it's the best way of making me productive or effective as a writer. More on that on another day though. For now, I'm going to return you to your regularly scheduled activities.

Month of Characters: Darien Oceina

The following character is not one of my creation. It is one from The Dragons Saga at J.F. Jenkin's website. She is a dear friend of mine and a great writer. The character I'm featuring is actually a favorite of mine. I highly recommend getting lost in the world of dragons that J.F. Jenkins has created! You can read The Dragons Saga in its entirety here:

Character Name: Darien Oceina
From: The Dragons Saga: Legend of the Oceina Dragon
Author: J.F. Jenkins

Name of Character: Darien Oceina
Species: DRAGON
Birthplace: Oceina City
Description (5 sentences or less):Darien is the youngest son of the Great Dragon Lord, Orion, and incredibly potent with water magic. In fact, his abilities are practically limitless. He's not the biggest guy, or the strongest, but what he lacks in size he makes up for in wisdom and charisma. Dark hair, blue eyed, and gentle in poise, he is told he is a lot like his mother - who he's never met.

Mini interview for the character:

What is your biggest fear? That I'm going to screw everything up. I have a lot of responsibilities with the war going on, and it's hard. It's very hard to balance family life, and politics. One mistake and it's all gone.

What is your favorite hobby? Sleep. I feel like all I could always do is sleep.

What would you change about the story you're featured in?It'd be a lot easier if my wife actually liked me. :/

There is still time to get your character featured! Email the description, interview, or letter from to

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

November: So busy

I haven't been able to write at all in the past two days. This makes me sad. My evenings have been filled with homework. That leaves no time to write.

And unfortunately tonight, little time to blog.

I will give you a much better entry tomorrow and possibly even a character entry!!

Want yours to be featured? Email the entry to Still accepting!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

NaNoWriMo: I'm thinking in details

There's this point that I hit from time to time when I've been writing a lot. It's the point where I'm taking in all of the little details around them and describing them in my head as though I were writing them. I was doing this frequently today. I always take it as a good sign.

For example, I'm driving down the interstate on my usual route home from class and I have my window down (more on that later). From the air outside my window, I smell a scent from the local factory (I think the paper mill?). As the air pours in, I think to myself "she smelled the scent of pollution drifting in the air." I don't think this is the normal response, but it's what comes from my writer's mind.

Does anyone else experience this when they write a lot? Just randomly thinking in writing details?

On another note, I rode most of the way home with my windows rolled down. This is not a usual thing for me. I rode through downtown and the interstate with the wind whipping in my face, the music blasting, and my mouth singing. It was quite freeing. I highly recommend doing it on a whim sometime.

You may now return to your regularly scheduled life and I will return to my to do list.

Monday, November 2, 2009

NaNoWriMo: How's it going?

Yesterday kicked off a huge writing event: NaNoWriMo. I must warn you that you are going to hear a lot about it this month because I am amongt the thousands of participants. I am using the month to further my endeavors on a piece that I've been working at for years. I'm hoping to make it to the end of this novel soon.

I wrote 4,105 words within the first day (it shows slightly differently on the NaNo website because some of it was written after midnight). I was pretty happy with that progress, as it was double my 2000 word goal of the day.

On another note, this weekend also brought us a time change. The clocks were set back an hour. This didn't seem like a big deal until today. I'm not so sure that I'm happy with the light in the morning when I leave for work and the dark in the evening when I return home. It seems so reversed and a bit depressing. Oh well, that's life.

I'm done blabbing for can return to your regularly scheduled life now.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Month of Characters: Wendel

Since it's November and National Novel Writing Month, I thought I would start off my Month of Characters with the main character of my nanowrimo project: Enchantment: Wendel's Story. So, without further ado, I give you a letter from Wendel!

Character name: Wendel of Aurum
From: Enchantment: Wendel's Story
Author: Pamela MacLean

Dear readers,
I have been asked to take a moment from narrating my story to tell you a little bit about myself. The problem is that I don't know where to begin. I could start at the beginning, but then that would belittle my efforts in telling my story. So, as it is, I'm going to tell you where I am now, as in the year 2009.

Right now, I am in the small town of Golden Bell, CA waiting for eight teenagers to come into the full force and recognition of their magical abilities. There is nothing I can really do and no one that I can guide until they do this. I have calculated that their powers should begin to show within months of today's date. Then, my life should get really interesting.

Until then, I am content with writing the story of my life down in a leather bound journal. Some day, people may wish to look back on the knowledge of their predecessors and my journal will be there for them. Someday, people may find a way to reverse what I have done and find a way back into Aurum. Until that day, however, I am writing down all that I can to have on record. For when I go, more than a thousand years of knowledge will go with me if I do not preserve it.

The ever aging wizard,
Wendel of Aurum

Do you want to have your character included in the month of characters? If so, submit your entry to!