I thought I would share a little bit with you about my writing. Some of you may know this already, while others will be discovering it for the first time. Needless to say, I thought I'd share.
I started writing sometime when I was younger. I am not entirely sure when I first put pen to paper, but I know that I was creating storylines long before that. I had some help with these storylines, in the form of a wonderful sister and close to one hundred Barbie dolls. They made the best characters for a little girl. (Though, I must admit, the storylines were heavy with females as men were limited.)
Somewhere in there, I started putting pen to paper and actually writing down stories. They were varied and often times in disarray, but they were writing none the less. Through all of this, I continued to play with our Barbies, creating stories as I went.
Slowly, I progressed to trying different forms of writing, including adding poetry and stream of conciousness to my repetoire. The latter, I learned sophomore year of high school in a creative writing course. Journal writing always lingered in the background, but was never a consistent endeavor for me.
It was my senior year of high school when I first started working on what I would call a serious piece of fiction. It was my first real attempt at writing a story with my sister and it was the attempt that would form memorable characters (beyond the Barbie ones) for us.
It was the attempt at starting a novel known as
Enchantment together. Now, I will discuss this novel in more detail at a later date. It is greatly attached to my current NaNo project. But, the story of this novel is not necessary to the story of my writing.
We wrote upwards of one hundred pages together in various notebooks and in various documents. We slowly abandoned the actual writing, but we never abandoned our characters from that novel. We would often talk about them and continue to form them as characters.
A couple years later, we managed to get it all typed up and printed out. The goal was to reread the current progress and continue on. We found the beginning of the manuscript to be much too trite to continue with. So, we placed it in the hold pile with the intent of finishing later. By this point, the characters and concepts for this
one novel had grown into a series worth of books.
We established that we wanted to attempt a single, stand alone novel before we pursued a series. So, we set out to form this novel in our heads. We established a framework of werewolves and shaped the rest of the story during a very interesting, redirected trip to a Renaissance Festival (again, more on that later - though you can find that back story on my LJ account somewhere). We set out this past summer to write the novel. Within two months, it was finished.
From there, much more has come to pass, including several more projects and a website where we feature some of our fiction for free (
Two to Write). The werewolf novel we finished this summer is currently being edited and we hope to start querying in the new year.
So, I am not entirely sure why I chose today to share this story. There is no significance in the date or anything. I just felt that it was time to share a bit about my writing and me with some of the new followers (Thanks for following!) that I have gained in the past couple of weeks. I would love it if you would continue to spread the word about my blog and Two to Write!! Keep an eye out for great things from both in the month of December.
As for me, I am off to do some writing. I bid you Adieu.