"On the fourth day of Christmas,
my true love gave to me
four callings birds,
three French hens,
two turtle doves,
and a partridge in a pear tree."
What are four things you dislike about the winter holidays?
My list:
1. Parking
2. Lack of cheer in shoppers
3. The up and down weather
4. You can fill this one in. I tend to like most things about this time of year.
My fall classes officially ended tonight. This made me look at the books on my shelf today and realize that I have at least three books I bought this year that I have not gotten a chance to read yet. Then, I thought about the many books I put on my Christmas list. I am sure there will be numerous books for me to read.
So, I debated which book to start reading on. And that's when I remembered I have a novel to read. It's the novel that my sister, Crystal, and I wrote this past summer. Our goal is to read and start rewriting and revising it over the break.
So, while others are reading the great published novels out there, I will be reading this:
All 400 some odd pages of it.
We were talking of snow at the dinner table tonight, so:
Song of the Month: "White Christmas" by Alan Jackson
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