Then came Summerwrite. I debated it left and right. It was more words but also more time. The challenge called for one-hundred and fifty thousand words in four months. This sounded manageable, especially considering it would be over the course of the summer. A summer where my only focus would be job hunting. I even talked Crystal into entering the challenge with me. I made it to the end and wrote 150,000 words. Crystal and I also got a finished novel, Dancing beneath the Moon, out of the deal. Now, we're editing that novel and eventually we'll be submitting it. Summerwrite definitely saved my sanity this summer and presented me with the opportunity to meet lots of great people.

That is why I have decided to do Autumnwrite. It's not a matter of me thinking I can achieve 150,000 words over the course of September, October, November, and December. I have a pretty full schedule this semester and I honestly don't know if that goal is even attainable for me if I plan to do anything other than work, class, and write. I've already gotten over three thousand written and if that's all I accomplish all season, then I'm better off than when I started. I invite you to join the madness that is Autumnwrite. Push yourself and get to know some great people that you won't meet otherwise!!

Until next week, happy writing!
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