Thursday, January 21, 2010

New Features Coming

Just a short description of some of the new features coming to the blog:

Obsessed: My sister and I are all the time finding new things to be obsessed with. I'll keep abreast of what we're "obsessed" with and why. This is your chance to learn a bit more about me.

Opinionated: This one's for everyone out there who has a desire to share their opinion! Periodically, I will make a post about a specified topic and ask for your opinions in return. I want your honest opinions. This is about learning about differing views and seeing where others stand. Feel free to comment under annonymous on these posts if you would like!

Sister Time: Sisters (at least Crystal and I) share a bond that is extremely unique. I'm going to try to share some of those "sisterly moments" with you.

Words from a Writer: Similar to my previous Writerly Wednesday, this section will focus on writing and my thoughts on it.

Contests & Giveaways: Contests will require a little bit of effort to gain extra entries (mostly advertising the blog), while giveaways will allow for one entry and no extra effort. I'm hoping to host the first of these in February. Occasionally, I will also use this section for contests and giveaways of others.

Song of the Day: I am going to continue this feature with future posts, so keep an eye out for this section at the end of every (okay, most) posts.

Fun & Games: I will be hosting fun games in an effort to get to know my followers better. With each thing I host, I will invite you to host the same game on your own blog. Let's get to know each other better and have a little fun doing it!

Project Organize: I would say I'm systematically unorganized, meaning that I'm quite disorganized, but I know where to find things. One of the things I would like to work towards in 2010 is becoming more organized. I really think it would help in the future.

TV Talk: There are certain television shows that I watch each week. From time to time, I'll post snippets about them on here.

Movie Mayhem: Essentially the same thing as TV Talk, just with movies.

The Reading Chair: This one will be all about reading! Expect to find reviews and comments on books and other things that are reading related.

Hope you're as excited as I am for these new features!!

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