Sunday, August 30, 2009

Simply Sunday: Micro-Managing My Life

This year is going to be busy - very busy. This past week made that clear to me. I barely caught a glimpse of Crystal and hardly had any time to do anything but work, school, and bed. While this is nice, it also means that I'm going to have to schedule "me" time. I will go crazy without it.

That being said, my goal tomorrow night is to micro-manage my life. I'm going to sit down with my syllabi, my calendar, and pens. Then, I'm going to color-code everything I have to do over the next couple of months. I was planning on doing this today until I realized that I won't have my final syllabus until tomorrow night. So, there's no point in doing something twice. I will post pictures of my calendar so that you can see just how busy things are.

With this being Sunday and the topic being "simple," I'm going to keep this short and wish you a great week!

Share your organization and time management techniques with me!

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with the micro-managing! I hope you survive the semester!
