Saturday, October 17, 2009

November Theme Announced!!

For those of you that follow my blog, you'll notice that I took October and turned it into a giant theme month (Photo Blog). I have really liked this and I've decided to do the same thing for November.

That being said, let me introduce the theme for November.....The Month of Characters.

This coming month, I would love your help!!

The goal for November is to feature a different character each day. That's 30 characters.

I could do this with only my (and Crystal's) characters, but I want more!

So, if you have a character you would love to see featured, then submit the following (by emailing* me):

Name of Character:
Description (5 sentences or less):

Mini interview for the character:

What is your biggest fear?

What is your favorite hobby?

What would you change about the story you're featured in?

Feel free to add your own descriptors and adjust as needed. I want you to make this your own. Credit will be given to you and your name will be mentioned (and linked if desired) in the post. I would love to see lots of people participating! I may even do more than one character a day if I get enough entries!

Important: I need entries no later than October 30th so that I can have them up and ready to go in time for November (Blogger offers great postdating options). I am participating in NaNo and will need to keep time open for that.

*Email: aurumsisters at livejournal dot com

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